Thursday, September 20, 2012

Niko September 2012

September Niko 2012

 We just completed our last Niko of the summer.  It was an amazing time.  We had a group from our Basic Leadership school from YWAM Salem and another college age group from Corvallis, Oregon.  I have included this note below from one of the staff who came and participated with us and brought the group from Corvallis.  God deserves all the praise!  He is always about His work in such loving ways.

"I wanted to let you all know that I was so blessed this year at NIKO. All of us girls, including M... and C...., were sad to leave by the time it was finished. It was a great foundational block to lay for the beginning of the year and there is a love that is forming between all of us.

I wanted to say thanks on my part. You guys are so full of Jesus it shines so bright. The wisdom and discernment I saw made me want to seek Jesus more. You have an anointing to speak into peoples lives words of truth and it's something I'm asking Jesus to instill greater in me.

The love and respect you had for each other and for all the participants was sincere. You trusted everyone despite the possibility of failure, which in the end produced greater growth.

I have a passion to worship Jesus and lead others into worship. When in lived in the DR I found a freedom in leading worship. I never experienced it before...but the grace that was poured out on me to mess up, to not be perfect...It unlocked a door that I had no idea how to unlock, though I was trying and trying. I haven't experienced it since being back here in the States.

I experienced it again at NIKO. I messed up, I wasn't perfect, I struggled at times. But I felt such a grace from everyone to just be. To not rest in my own strength but rest in Jesus. I never once felt shame at the end of worship. because once again i was able to just purely worship Jesus and not feel like people were looking for a performance.

Anyways. Thanks for all you guys do. it is impacting the Kingdom."

I just wanted to share what you have all been a part of both in prayer and support.  Thank you for furthering the Kingdom by partnering together in this ministry!
