Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Astoria Oregon at the site of a ship wreck

Sunday Drive...a little point and shoot time...

Sunset in a puddle...south east Salem
Always amazed by the way God paints the sky

..a little light and shadow..

.....friends who can appreciate an Oregon beach in February...

I wanted to share a few pictures from last month in no particular order.  I love all the seasons in Oregon.  I love the light and how it changes the world to bright colors of green, blue and red....even gray is beautiful in the right light.   Made me think of the right light....we're each an amazing creation of God.  How often do I view people through the light of their circumstances or mine rather than simply choose to see them as made in God's image and unique?  It gives grace and compassion a whole new definition.  I heard a quote the other day that stuck with me.  "Circumstances are not the barometer of God's love for us...the cross is."  Circumstances only tell us we are in a situation....the cross tells us that no matter what we see now, we are loved that much....even to the point of death.  Light makes all the difference.

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